Richard Jackson
Richard Jackson is the author of sixteen books of poems, including The Heart as Framed: New & Select Poems (Press 53, 2022); Broken Horizons (Press 53, 2018); Out of Place (2014, rpt. Ashland Poetry Press, 2017); The Hearts’ Many Doors (anthology, 2017); and Retrievals (2015), as well as ten books of criticism, anthologies and translations. He is a winner of Guggenheim, Fulbright, NEA, NEH, and Witter-Bynner fellowships, five Pushcart Prize appearances, the Dane Zajc residency in Slovenia, and the Order of Freedom medal from the President of Slovenia for humanitarian and literary work during the Balkan wars.
by Richard Jackson
Silver Concho Poetry Series edited by Pamela Uschuk and William Pitt Root
Publication date: March 27, 2025
ISBN: 978-1-950413-90-4
9 × 6 softcover, 126 pages
Footprints imprint a path up to cathedrals that bleed into surrounding clouds. Each moment, here, builds a telescope strong enough to see beyond the universe. . .
—Earl Braggs
Silver Concho Poetry Series edited by Pamela Uschuk and William Pitt Root
ISBN 978-1-950413-48-5
9 x 6 softcover, 275 pages
In its range of emotions, in its rich ruminating prosody, in its capacity to contain all that it imagines, and especially in its power to place the corruptions of the world against those of the heart, it represents a poetry of scale, in fine yet compelling Keatsian excess, informed—indeed exalted, by intelligence, irony and vision.
—Stanley Plumly
Silver Concho Poetry Series edited by Pamela Uschuk and William Pitt Root
ISBN 978-1-941209-72-1
9 x 6 softcover, 92 pages
Praise for Richard Jackson’s previous books
His lines are clouds of love, piercing the sky with enormous empathy, rolling in the azure, torrents of passion, and are arrows at the same time, reaching a peak where they break, crying, cleansing the air, becoming ether. It is impossible to describe this in discursive language. With a melody that is unmistakably his own . . . he is a kind of Scorsese in poetry, but where Scorzese almost succeeds in his films, then stops, seals and terrifies us, Jackson adds a tender, vulnerable voice that blossoms and transforms us, and that is so unique and great, great in its truest sense in Richard Jackson’s poetry.
—Tomaž Šalamun
Richard Jackson has become one of our most important poets. His subjects are those for which poetry originally came into being. The essentials are his songs, his precepts, his adoration. It isn’t simply solace he offers, but it’s solace nevertheless that he lends us.
—James Tate
Richard Jackson has become one of our most important poets. His subjects are those for which poetry originally came into being. The essentials are his songs, his precepts, his adoration. It isn’t simply solace he offers, but it’s solace nevertheless that he lends us.
—Dara Wier
I think he is either the god Hermes or a sparrow. He is certainly a messenger. And what he says is contained in a single word, although it comes out as amazement, anger, joy, sadness, in an astounding cascade of images, and a variety of tongues. He is a poet of great sweep and vision. He is deeply tender. He is a master of music, one of our finest poets.
—Gerald Stern
Spiritually illuminated histories. “Conversation with myself during an evening walk about a truth yet to be named”: Footprints imprint a path up to cathedrals that bleed into surrounding clouds. Each moment, here, builds a telescope strong enough to see beyond the universe as easily as spotting a crow in an empty sky where everything that’s missing stays missing. These poems leave us with a compelling invitation to start over again, from the beginning.
—Earl Braggs